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ML for Systems

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Moderator: Amir Yazdanbakhsh

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Tue 30 Aug. 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Matchmaker: Data Drift Mitigation in Machine Learning for Large-Scale Systems

Ankur Mallick · Kevin Hsieh · Behnaz Arzani · Gauri Joshi

Today's data centers rely more heavily on machine learning (ML) in their deployed systems. However, these systems are vulnerable to the data drift problem, that is, a mismatch between training and test data, which can lead to significant performance degradation and system inefficiencies. In this paper, we demonstrate the impact of data drift in production by studying two real-world deployments in a leading cloud provider. Our study shows that, despite frequent model retraining, these deployed models experience major accuracy drops (up to 40%) and high accuracy variation, which lead to drastic increase in operational costs. None of the current solutions to the data drift problem are designed for large-scale deployments, which need to address real-world issues such as scale, ground truth latency, and mixed types of data drift. We propose Matchmaker, the first scalable, adaptive, and flexible solution to the data drift problem in large-scale production systems. Matchmaker finds the most similar training data batch and uses the corresponding ML model for inference on each test point. As part of Matchmaker, we introduce a novel similarity metric to address multiple types of data drifts while only incurring limited overhead. Experiments on our two real-world ML deployments show matchmaker significantly improve model accuracy (upto 14\% and 2\%), which saves 18\% and 1\% in the operational costs. At the same time, Matchmaker provides 8x- and 4x- faster predictions than a state-of-the-art ML data drift solution, AUE.

Tue 30 Aug. 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

A Transferable Approach for Partitioning Machine Learning Models on Multi-Chip-Modules

Xinfeng Xie · Prakash Prabhu · Ulysse Beaugnon · Mangpo Phothilimthana · Sudip Roy · Azalia Mirhoseini · Eugene Brevdo · James Laudon · Yanqi Zhou

Multi-Chip-Modules (MCMs) reduce the design and fabrication cost of machine learning (ML) accelerators while delivering performance and energy efficiency on par with a monolithic large chip. However, ML compilers targeting MCMs need to solve complex optimization problems optimally and efficiently to achieve this high performance. One such problem is the multi-chip partitioning problem where compilers determine the optimal partitioning and placement of operations in tensor computation graphs on chiplets in MCMs. Partitioning ML graphs for MCMs is particularly hard as the search space grows exponentially with the number of chiplets available and the number of nodes in the neural network. Furthermore, the constraints imposed by the underlying hardware produce a search space where valid solutions are extremely sparse. In this paper, we present a strategy using a deep reinforcement learning (RL) framework to emit a possibly invalid candidate partition that is then corrected by a constraint solver. Using the constraint solver ensures that RL encounters valid solutions in the sparse space frequently enough to converge with fewer samples as compared to non-learned strategies. The graphical neural network and sequential attention mechanism in our RL framework enable the generalization across different ML graphs. Our evaluation of a production-scale model, BERT, on real hardware reveals that the partitioning generated using RL policy achieves 6.11% and 5.85% higher throughput than random search and simulated annealing. In addition, fine-tuning the pre-trained RL policy reduces the search time from 3 hours to only 9 minutes, while achieving the same throughput as training RL policy from scratch.

Tue 30 Aug. 13:36 - 13:54 PDT


Junguk Cho · Diman Zad Tootaghaj · Lianjie Cao · Puneet Sharma

The current design of Serverless computing frameworks assumes that all the requests and underlying compute hardware are homogeneous. This homogeneity assumption causes two challenges in running ML workloads like Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference services on these frameworks. Such workloads can have various request types and might require heterogeneous accelerators. First, existing serverless frameworks are threshold-based and use simple query per second or CPU utilization as autoscaling rules, thus ignoring heterogeneous requests and accelerators, resulting in sub-optimal performance. Second, ignoring infrastructure heterogeneity for workload scheduling and inference request distribution can lead to further performance inefficiencies. To address these challenges, we propose SLA-aware ML Inference Framework, which is a novel application and hardware-aware serverless computing framework to manage ML (\eg, DNN) inference applications in a heterogeneous infrastructure. Our framework designs an intelligent autoscaling strategy by leveraging rich, precise workload-specific metrics and heterogeneous GPU compute capability. We schedule functions on the suitable GPU accelerators and proportionally distribute inference requests to the deployed functions based on the autoscaling decision. In addition, our framework enables efficient shares of GPU accelerators with multiple functions to increase resource efficiency with minimal overhead. Unlike prior works, we use application-specific SLA metrics to make scheduling/autoscaling decisions. We implement a prototype of our framework based on the Knative serverless framework and evaluate its performance with various DNN models.

Tue 30 Aug. 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

NURD: Negative-Unlabeled Learning for Online Datacenter Straggler Prediction

Yi Ding · Avinash Rao · Hyebin Song · Rebecca Willett · Henry (Hank) Hoffmann

Datacenters execute large computational jobs, which are composed of smaller tasks. A job completes when all its tasks finish, so stragglers---rare, yet extremely slow tasks---are a major impediment to datacenter performance. Accurately predicting stragglers would enable proactive intervention, allowing datacenter operators to mitigate stragglers before they delay a job. While much prior work applies machine learning to predict computer system performance, these approaches rely on complete labels---i.e., sufficient examples of all possible behaviors, including straggling and non-straggling---or strong assumptions about the underlying latency distributions---e.g., whether Gaussian or not. Within a running job, however, none of this information is available until stragglers have revealed themselves when they have already delayed the job. To predict stragglers accurately and early without labeled positive examples or assumptions on latency distributions, this paper presents NURD, a novel Negative-Unlabeled learning approach with Reweighting and Distribution-compensation that only trains on negative and unlabeled streaming data. The key idea is to train a predictor using finished tasks of non-stragglers to predict latency for unlabeled running tasks, and then reweight each unlabeled task's prediction based on a weighting function of its feature space. We evaluate NURD on two production traces from Google and Alibaba, and find that compared to the best baseline approach, NURD produces 2--11 percentage point increases in the F1 score in terms of prediction accuracy, and 4.7--8.8 percentage point improvements in job completion time.