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Federated Learning

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Wed 15 May 15:30 - 15:50 PDT

FedTrans: Efficient Federated Learning via Multi-Model Transformation

Yuxuan Zhu · Jiachen Liu · Mosharaf Chowdhury · Fan Lai

Federated learning (FL) aims to train machine learning (ML) models across potentially millions of edge client devices. Yet, training and customizing models for FL clients is notoriously challenging due to the heterogeneity of client data, device capabilities, and the massive scale of clients, making individualized model exploration prohibitively expensive. State-of-the-art FL solutions personalize a globally trained model or concurrently train multiple models, but they often incur suboptimal model accuracy and huge training costs. In this paper, we introduce FedTrans, a multi-model FL training framework that automatically produces and trains high-accuracy, hardware-compatible models for individual clients at scale.FedTrans begins with a basic global model, identifies accuracy bottlenecks in model architectures during training, and then employs model transformation to derive new models for heterogeneous clients on the fly. It judiciously assigns models to individual clients while performing soft aggregation on multi-model updates to minimize total training costs. Our evaluations using realistic settings show that FedTrans improves individual client model accuracy by 13\% while slashing training costs by 4$\times$ over state-of-the-art solutions.

Wed 15 May 15:50 - 16:10 PDT

HeteroSwitch: Characterizing and Taming System-Induced Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning

Gyudong Kim · Mehdi Ghasemi · Soroush Heidari · Seungryong Kim · Young Geun Kim · Sarma Vrudhula · Carole-Jean Wu

Federated Learning (FL) is a practical approach to train deep learning models collaboratively across user-end devices, protecting user privacy by retaining raw data on-device. In FL, participating user-end devices are highly fragmented in terms of hardware and software configurations. Such fragmentation introduces a new type of data heterogeneity in FL, namely system-induced data heterogeneity, as each device generates distinct data depending on its hardware and software configurations. In this paper, we first characterize the impact of system-induced data heterogeneity on FL model performance. We collect a dataset using heterogeneous devices with variations across vendors and performance tiers. By using this dataset, we demonstrate that system-induced data heterogeneity negatively impacts accuracy, and deteriorates fairness and domain generalization problems in FL. To address these challenges, we propose HeteroSwitch, which adaptively adopts generalization techniques (i.e., ISP transformation and SWAD) depending on the level of bias caused by varying HW and SW configurations. In our evaluation with a realistic FL dataset (FLAIR), HeteroSwitch reduces the variance of averaged precision by 6.3% across device types.

Wed 15 May 16:10 - 16:30 PDT

LIFL: A Lightweight, Event-driven Serverless Platform for Federated Learning

Shixiong Qi · K. K. Ramakrishnan · Myungjin Lee

Federated Learning (FL) typically involves a large-scale, distributed system with individual user devices/servers training models locally and then aggregating their model updates on a trusted central server. Existing systems for FL often use an always-on server for model aggregation, which can be inefficient in terms of resource utilization. They also may be inelastic in their resource management. This is particularly exacerbated when aggregating model updates at scale in a highly dynamic environment with varying numbers of heterogeneous user devices/servers. We present LIFL, a lightweight and elastic serverless cloud platform with fine-grained resource management for efficient FL aggregation at scale. LIFL is enhanced by a streamlined, event-driven serverless design that eliminates the individual, heavyweight message broker and replaces inefficient container-based sidecars with lightweight eBPF-based proxies. We leverage shared memory processing to achieve high-performance communication for hierarchical aggregation, which is commonly adopted to speed up FL aggregation at scale. We further introduce the locality-aware placement in LIFL to maximize the benefits of shared memory processing. LIFL precisely scales and carefully reuses the resources for hierarchical aggregation to achieve the highest degree of parallelism, while minimizing aggregation time and resource consumption. Our preliminary experimental results show that LIFL achieves significant improvement in resource efficiency and aggregation speed for supporting FL at scale, compared to existing serverful and serverless FL systems.