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Invited Talk
Workshop: Practical Adoption Challenges of ML for Systems in Industry (PACMI)

Raptor: Industrial Reinforcement Learning At Scale

Jonathan Ben-tzur


Jonathan Raiman is a Senior Research Scientist in the NVIDIA Applied Deep Learning Research group working on large-scale distributed reinforcement learning and AI for systems. Previously he was a Research Scientist at OpenAI where he co-created OpenAI Five, a superhuman Deep Reinforcement Learning Dota 2 bot. At Baidu SVAIL, he co-created several neural text-to-speech systems (Deep Voice 1, 2, and 3), and worked on speech recognition (Deep Voice 2), and question answering (Globally Normalized Reader). He is also the creator of DeepType 1, and DeepType 2, a superhuman entity linking system. He is completing his Ph.D. at Paris Saclay, and previously obtained his master’s at MIT.

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