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Invited Talk
Workshop: Practical Adoption Challenges of ML for Systems in Industry (PACMI)

CacheSack: Lessons from deploying an admission optimizer for Google datacenter flash caches

Arif Merchant


CacheSack is the admission algorithm for Google datacenter flash caches. CacheSack partitions cache traffic into categories, estimates the benefit and cost of different cache admission policies for each category, and assigns the optimal combination of admission policies while respecting resource constraints. This talk will briefly describe the design and deployment of CacheSack. We will then discuss the challenges of deploying CacheSack in production, and what lessons we learnt for the future.

Bio: Arif Merchant is a Research Scientist at Google and leads the Storage Analytics group, which studies interactions between components of the storage stack. His interests include distributed storage systems, storage management, and stochastic modeling. He holds the B.Tech. degree from IIT Bombay and the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist.

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